Sunday, January 21, 2007

100 Years of St. Pius X's "Pascendi Dominici Gregis" - "On the Doctrine of the Modernists"

This first post, though informal, will outline the direction that this blog will go throughout the year. Dedicated to St. Pius X, and specifically to the encyclical, Pascendi, this site will post and develop a number of ideas as they evolve around this great encyclical. We will combat both dogmatic and social modernism (indeed, both being integrally linked). For example, we encourage all readers to meditate upon and try to live the great "forgotten" encyclical of the 20th century, Quas Primas (On the Kingship of Christ) by Pius XI.

This site, following St. Pius X, will be devoted to the reality that the Catholic Church is the One, True Church - and that any form of true "ecumenism" must be directed by this great Truth - being the return of those who have sadly separated themselves from the One True Fold, and the Conversion of the rest of humanity without exception (c.f. Satis Cognitum, Leo XIII; Mortalium Animos, Pius XI).

Over the next few months, this blog will discuss the modernist as a philosopher, theologian, historian, refomer, and so on. We will also comment on contemporary happenings in the Church as seen in the light of this encyclical and the unchanging Teachings of the Church.

It is our hope and prayer that this year, the Centennial of Pascendi (and the accompanying Syllabus, Lamentabili ), the Church will follow St. Pius in trying to "restore all things in Christ", by the restoration of Catholic Tradition and by striving to restore society to its proper foundation, Our Lord Jesus Christ. We pray too that this 100th anniversary will see a major commemoration and vigorous restatement of St. Pius' teachings by his successor, Pope Benedict XVI.

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